A Bit About Me
Hello there, I'm Jiangyue Li "Bella", a National Certified Bilingual School Psychologist in the United States. I graduated with dual master's degrees in School Psychology from Columbia University. Over the past four years, I've had the privilege of working as a school psychologist in Washington State, where I've had the opportunity to lead special education teams and support more than three 300 families.
Throughout my career, I've had valuable experiences interning at renowned institutions such as the Dean Hope Center at Columbia University, the Autism Center at the University of Washington, private schools in New York, the New Jersey Department of Education, and the independent school in Hong Kong. These internships have allowed me to refine my skills in addressing conditions like ADHD, autism, depression, and anxiety, focusing on prevention, assessment, intervention, and psychological counseling.
One of my strengths lies in recognizing the unique abilities and strengths of each student. I firmly believe that children possess their own wisdom and individual ways of exploring the world. As a school psychologist, my role is to provide personalized intervention plans for parents and teachers, taking into account the specific strengths and needs of each child. By utilizing research-based interventions, I aim to help children acquire essential skills and uncover their inherent strengths, ultimately supporting their optimal growth and development as a whole-person.
李江月, 美国认证双语学校心理学家,毕业于哥伦比亚大学学校心理学双硕士。拥有丰富临床经验,在美国华盛顿州担任学校心理学家四年,领导特殊教育团队服务了三百个家庭,被选中做学区学校心理学家导师,并获得学区嘉奖。曾在哥伦比亚大学Dean Hope 中心,华盛顿大学自闭症中心,纽约私立小学,新泽西教育局,香港弘立书院等实习。 专攻多动症,自闭症,抑郁症,焦虑症等的预防,评估,干预以及心理咨询。擅长发掘学生自身的优势,并以此为出发点来为家长和老师提供个性化的干预方案。她相信孩子们都有很多的智慧和对世界的探索,在孩子们对于生命的探索中,自然少不了困惑,作为已经走过这些路的人,我们的任务就是,发现他们生命本身所有的智慧和方式,尊重他们所有的体验,通过科学的干预帮助他们掌握必要的技能,然后陪伴他们经历这世间的一切。